How Many Ounces Are in a Quart? (Conversion Guide)

How many ounces are in a quart

How many ounces are in a quart? Learn how to convert measurements for liquid and solid ingredients using both the imperial and metric systems! 

It’s no secret that proper measurements are crucial in the kitchen. However, not all ingredients and recipes make it easy to know how much of an item you need. And when you’re in the middle of cooking or baking, it can be difficult to do conversions in your head. 

To help your recipes go off without a hitch, we’ve compiled this conversion guide explaining not only how many ounces are in a quart but also how to convert them back and forth. You’ll learn everything you need to know to measure quarts and ounces with ease! 

What Is an Ounce? 

An ounce, sometimes abbreviated as oz, is a unit of measurement used to weigh out volume, weight, and mass. The United States, Myanmar, and Liberia use this unit of measurement to weigh small amounts of ingredients. The rest of the world typically measures smaller amounts in grams. 

One ounce equals 28.35 grams. 

Fluid Ounces vs Dry Ounces

We measure fluid ounces in a liquid measuring cup by units of volume instead of weight. Meanwhile, we measure dry ingredient ounces by weight. Here is a chart to make conversions easy: 

A table to show the conversion between fluid ounces and dry ounces

What is a Quart? 

A quart, sometimes abbreviated as qt, is a unit of measurement typically used for liquid ingredients. The word comes from the Latin word ‘Quartus’ which means a fourth and the French word ‘Quarte’ which means a ¼ portion. In terms of liquid measurements, this means ¼ of a gallon. 

One quart equals 32 fluid ounces. 

Wet vs Dry Quart

Just like liquid and dry ounces, wet and dry quarts are not measured the same. This is because liquid ingredients are less dense than solids.

As a result, a liquid quart contains 32 ounces. Meanwhile, a dry quart weighs out to 37×23 ounces. Learn how to convert ounces to cups! 

How to Convert Ounces to Quarts

As mentioned, one quart equals 32 fluid ounces. So, to determine how many quarts are in a given number of ounces, you divide the number of ounces by 32

For example, if you have 128 ounces, you can calculate the quarts with the following formula: 

128/32 = 4 quarts 

Ounces to Quarts Conversion Table

To make this process easy, refer to the chart below for quick conversions: 

A table to show the conversion between ounces to quarts

Quarts to Ounces Table

Invert the equation to determine how many quarts are in a set number of ounces. To do so, multiply the number of quarts by 32 to determine the equivalent in ounces. Or, you can refer to the chart below: 

A table to show the conversion between quarts to ounces

Imperial vs Metric Measurements

Now that you know how many ounces are in a quart, let’s discuss the different measurement systems. Depending on the system used, the exact measurements change slightly. 

  • 1 imperial fluid quart = 38.4 imperial fluid ounces
  • 1 metric fluid quart = 40 metric fluid ounces

Frequently Asked Questions

How many ounces in a quart?

There are 32 fluid ounces in one quart.

How many quarts in an ounce?

To convert from ounces to quarts, divide the number of ounces by 32.

How many ounces in a quart of butter?

The number of ounces in a quart of butter depends on the butter’s density, which can vary. However, on average, a quart of butter is roughly 32 ounces.

How many ounces in a quart of water?

A quart of water contains 32 fluid ounces.

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