Margie’s guest today is Daisy Buchanan
Daisy is quite simply a word wizard. She’s a writer, an author, and a journalist.
Her writing covers everything from arts, entertainment, and women's issues. She contributes to a whole host of publications including Esquire, Grazia, the Guardian, Look magazine, Marie Claire and the telegraph to name literally just a few!
Daisy was Grazia Magazine’s resident agony aunt, winning Dating Journalist of the Year
Daisy has written 3 books including the hugely successful How To Be a Grown Up and she’s “One of the Funniest Women On Twitter” according to the Huffington Post.
This is a delicious episode packed full of so many great ideas and things to try out. Roasting broccoli in the same way you would roast potatoes but with lots of garlic and chilli sounds heavenly and definitely something I am going to be making. As do the brussell sprouts, they sound fab. Dinner parties at Daisy’s sound like a very delicious affair and is something I definitely need to try and wangle an invite to that’s for sure.
We find out just how fundamentally life changing a toasted cheese sandwich really is and how many miles you are willing to move in order to be near a really great one.
Importantly Daisy uncovers the difference between a roux and a béchamel…thank god I knew the answer to that one or my cheffy crednetials would have flown out of the window. There is talk of chilli chorizo mac and cheese and that is a phrase that has stayed with me, so I know what I will be cooking this weekend. Yum. You can’t go wrong with mac and cheese, in any way, shape or form and I like the sound of this addition very much.
I thought she was very romantic choosing a dish her husband makes as her final dish before being cast off to the desert island…although we may have to work on the name…as “my husbands eggs” doesn’t have quite the right ring to it and probably isn’t something I would be in a rush to order. Although the eggs do sound delicious and are something I will be adding to my repertoire of eggs to be sure.
Please tell me that we two are not alone in our love of plane food? I was worried to admit this secret love, but I can hide it no longer. I’m Margie and I enjoy plane food, especially the instant smash. Please tell me you like it too?
Daisy is a delight and her food sounds fantastic. You can tell when someone talks about food just how important it is to them, and in the words of Daisy, “nourishment isn’t just about nutritional value, but finding the true joy in food and losing ourselves to sensory overload.”
Desert Island Dish:
Her husbands eggs (a scramble with pancetta, onion, sliced potatoes and whatever the fridge profers)
Luxury Item:
Perfume – specifically Chanel Coromandel
Collection of Anthony Powell – “Dance to the Music of Time” books
Have a listen to the podcast by clicking on the button below, or simply search for "Desert Island Dishes" in iTunes
There's a truly delicious recipe inspired by Daisy's episode which you are not going to want to miss. Click here for an ode to a cheese sandwich.

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