Margie’s castaway is Rebekah Hall.
She is the founder of Botanic Lab. Botanic Lab was one of the first juice companies in the UK and they make really delicious juices. Genuinely, really delicious.
Rebekah is very impressive and I really like the ethos of the brand; they aren’t selling a dream and they don’t pretend their juices will transform you into a Victoria Secret’s model. They just make delicious, finctional drinks, which are both creative and delicious. In the world we live in selling the dream of quick fix weight loss and meal replacements would be the easy option and I admire that they actively stayed away from that.
I found it so interesting that Rebekah is a food entrepreneur but is not really interested in cooking (by her own admission I might add). But she knows what she likes and with her friends and family keen to cook for her, it sounds like she has it pretty good.
I love finding out how people got to where they are and I think Rebekah’s journey into becoming an entrepreneur is really interesting and hopefully might inspire some of you. She's one of those business minded entrepreneurs who could really have turned her hand to anything but it just so happens she started a food company. We discuss how contrary to popular belief, food companies are some of the hardest to set up and run, which I know all too well. Rebekah worked for 10 years as a corporate financier which was stressful and demanding but also financially rewarding. Walking away from that kind of security is risky and scary and I have a lot of respect for people who do that. The risk has paid off for Rebekah as Botanic Lab flourishes and she is open and honest about her journey and I hope you enjoy listening.
Desert Island Dish: Rhubarb crumble with custard
Luxury item: pillow
We are definitely in agreement over the rhubarb crumble with custard, such a delicious choice. Crumble in general is just the best. The best of the best. And this is most definitely crumble weather which is just yet another thing to be happy about. And sounds like we all need to find a member of Soho House to tag along with and eat the burrata with figs. You just know that will be good.
Don’t forget you can find me on Instagram @madebymargie, so do pop over and say hi. And if you want to hear from any guests in particular you can ping me an email at [email protected].
Thank you for listening. Double thank you if you have subscribed and left a 5* review (wink wink).
See you soon!
Click on the link below to have a listen to this weeks episode:
The recipe inspired by Rebekah's episode is up so don't forget to check it out.

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