Margie’s castaway this week is Tess Ward.
Tess is a Cordon Bleu trained chef, food writer and model.
Tess has had a huge year career wise and it was exciting to hear all about some of the things she’s been up to including her biggest “pinch me” moment.
Tess travels a lot for work and regularly eats in exciting new restaurants so it was brilliant to hear all about her recommendations and what she’s loving food wise. Her book, the Naked diet, came out in 2015 and she’s been beavering away on a new one which sounds fab and she tells us about what we can expect from that.
We made the mistake of recording this in the afternoon last Friday and I was so hungry by the end! Note to self, if I record in the afternoon – I must bring snacks.
I’m definitely going to try making the grilled chilli pineapple which sounds brilliant and I also like the sound of that granola very much! A granola that masquerades as a biscuit is quite alright with me. But sounds like when you make the granola you have to be committed to eating the batch, which is never a problem I have personally.
The jury it out on the subject of flapjacks. I think I am of the chewy brigade and like them to be a bit pale and crumbly. Whereas Tess is a fan of golden brown crisp ones which have more of a crack to them. Now I've just written that, I think either sound pretty good. So whip up some flapjacks and you are on to a winner regardless.
Desert Island Dish: Tess's mums chicken fajitas followed by her Granny's treacle sponge
Luxury Item: Coconut oil
Thank you so much for listening. You can find me on the internet at or on social media @ madebymargie
Thank you!
Check out this week's recipe here.

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