
Creamy Hummus with Roasted Vegetables

Plate of hummus topped with roasted cauliflower and sweet potato with herbs

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This is one of my favourite things to eat at the moment - and it’s a no-recipe recipe really. Hot and crunchy roasted veg with cool and creamy hummus, drizzled with lemony tahini - it’s SO good! Our classic hummus recipe is the best of this recipe if you want to check that one out too.

For the veg you can use whatever you like, I love cauliflower, sweet potato, red onion and chickpeas. But potatoes, carrots, beetroot…all very good. Just drizzle them with olive oil, a good pinch of salt and then whatever spices you like, I usually go for paprika, a bit of cumin and some turmeric. Roast until crispy. Make your hummus while the veg roasts and then serve them hot from the oven on the cool creamy hummus. I like to drizzle some lemony tahini on the top and add a scattering of herbs and truly this is just so delicious.

A note on ingredients

Chickpeas - the base of hummus and a key ingredient across countless cuisines. They are the perfect addition to your kitchen as they are high in fibre, protein and healthy fats. They become delightfully creamy when blended but crispy and robust when roasted. They are about as versatile as a legume gets. If you can, buy good quality chickpeas that are in salted water as they have best flavour. If you have any leftover hummus from this recipe, try it spooned into sweet potatoes with this nutty herby topping. It's a weeknight winner.

Tahini - thinned out with lemon juice as a drizzle on top but also crucial in the hummus. It lends a nutty flavour, adds creaminess and smoothness. You won't be able to make hummus without it.

Salt - this recipe needs a generous amount of it! The main reason you may feel your homemade hummus doesn't taste a great as restaurant/shop-bought is likely to be salt. Chickpeas themselves are bland and need salt (as well as other things such as lemon juice) to bring them to their full potential.

Lemon juice - as above, the lemon juice gives brightness and flavour to chickpeas that can otherwise be rather flat. Start with 60ml then taste and keep adding. Usually, you will need to add a bit more lemon and more salt after tasting. That will be make pop.

Ice cold water - a neat trick to ensure super smooth and creamy hummus. The icy water also lightens the colour of the hummus making it look extra appetising.

Cauliflower - you can use any veg you would like as above but cauliflower holds up well in the oven and is a blank canvas for other flavours so it does work really well here. Cauliflower is high in vitamins C and K.

Sweet potato - a so-called superfood, it has sweetness which sits really well on the hummus. They are full of vitamin A, high in fibre and antioxidants making this a balanced plate!




1 x 400g tin chickpeas

1-2 garlic cloves, minced

6 tbsp tahini

1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

1/2 tsp salt

60-80ml freshly squeezed lemon juice

A little ice-cold water to loosen it if it's looking a bit thick (just add a tbsp at a time)

For the veg:

1 small head cauliflower, cut into small pieces - or little florets

1 large sweet potato, cut into chunks

1 red onion, cut into chunks

1 can chickpeas, rinsed and drained

2 tbsp olive oil

1 tsp cumin

1 tsp paprika

generous salt & pepper, to taste

Tahini sauce:

1/4 cup Tahini

1/2 lemon, juice

2 cloves garlic, minced

Salt & pepper to taste

2-3 tbsp warm water

Fresh herbs, to garnish


1. Preheat oven to 200c.

2. Place the chopped sweet potatoes & cauliflower on a baking tray, and toss with olive oil, salt and spices. Spread into a single layer and roast in the oven for 20 mins.  While these are roasting, tip the drained chickpeas into a bowl and add the red onion. Toss with olive oil, salt & give it a good stir. After 20 mins add the chickpea mixture to the baking tray and cook for a further 10-15 mins until crispy and golden.

3. For the hummus, blitz everything in a food processor until gorgeous and creamy.

4. To make the dressing: in a small bowl mix together tahini, garlic, lemon juice, water and salt until well combined and creamy. Set aside.

5. Spoon the hummus onto a plate, top with the roasted vegetables, and sprinkle with mint, dill and drizzle with the tahini sauce.
